Lake Eyasi

The lakes of Tanzania are as dramatic as they are varied. On soda lakes like Lake Manyara and Lake Natron, wildlife gathers on the desolate salt flats and shimmering views take on a lunar landscape which at sunset descends into shades of various pastels.
The soda lakes are alkaline and brackish, home to large populations of flamingos, storks, and herons. Bird-watching and game viewing are popular activities, but must be done from a distance as the soda flats along the lake shore are difficult to walk or drive upon. Still, a visit to the soda lakes of Tanzania is an unforgettable experience. Game still thrive along their unpopulated shores and the sheer ethereal beauty of the water, coloured silver and white by the mineral deposits, is an unforgettable part of the African experience.

Towns and industry take full advantage of the freshwater lakes in the region, the largest of which is Lake Victoria in the northwest of the country. Fishing has long been a mainstay of residents who live around the natural resources, and transport across Tanzanias many African borders is also an economically profitable activity. Because of the easy supply of freshwater irrigation, Tanzanians also farm the areas around freshwater lakes extensively, and both subsistence and cash crops are grown around their shores. Visitors to the freshwater lakes can embark on fishing trips, hikes and swimming, and enjoy the rich bird and fish life that surrounds the water. In many populated areas, cultural tourism programs are also popular.

A salt lake situated between the Rift Valleys Eyasi escarpment and the Kidero Mountains, the area around Lake Eyasi is home to the Hadzabe bushmen, some of the last remaining hunter-gatherers on the continent. The Hadzabe have inhabited the acacia forests and scrubland around Eyasi for over 10,000 years and visits to nearby clans can be arranged through local guides in the area.


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