The Gathering of Animals
The coming of the short rains in late November and December is a time when optimum grazing is available in the southern short grass plains.
Thousands of White-bearded Wildebeest begin to gather and fatten up. Around February they have their calves more or less simultaneously over a period of three weeks. And with so many calves around, predators abound

Which animal migrate?
Wildebeest from the bulk of the migration and often follow the zebra. They prefer new shoots and short grasses but they do also eat tall grasses, especially after the zebra and buffalo ‘trimmed’ them. Zebra form the second largest group of migratory animals and follow the same route as the wildebeest, often leading the way. They congregate on the plains during the rainy season and as soon as food becomes scarce, they break up and disperse in family units to minimize grazing pressure in the low production tall grass areas. Eland browse (eat leaves) and graze (eat grass) and are well adapted to almost any environment from lowlands to mountains. Although they do not follow the same migratory routes as wildebeest, they also alternate between the plains and woodland. Thomson’s gazelle has a much shorter route than wildebeest and are first to arrive on the plains and the last to leave. They leave only on short grasses, herbs and forbs. Grant’s Gazelle does not really need to migrate as they are not dependant on water but they do move to a limited extent, mainly locally. Their route is in some cases opposite to that of migratory species, spending the rainy season in open, patches within the woodland and the dry season on the plains.

Which route do they follow?

  • Early Wet Season (December- April)
During this time the animals are mainly on the Short Grass Plains (from the Gol Mountains in the south-east to Seronera into the north-east, including Lake Ndutu and Moru Kopjes). If there is a dry spell in between, they move west into the Masai Mara Game Reserve and to the Mbalageti Valley. At the first signs of rain, they move back onto the serengeti plains because of the instant availability of new growth.

  • Late Wet Season (April- June)
During this time there is a general movement to the northwest of the plains, to Maswa Game Reserve, Moru Kopjes and along the Simiyu, Mbalageti, Seronera and Nyabogati Rivers to the Western Corridor. They reach the western corridor in about the mid-June. Part of population moves directly north through Seronera and smaller section moves north on the eastern side of the Serengeti, through the Loliondo Area. From June to July one can see the death-defying crossing of the crocodiles-infested Grumeti River.

  • Early dry season (July- October)
This is when the bulk of the migratory herds find itself in the Western Corridor and to the area north-east outside the serengeti. A part from the herds reaches the Mara Rivers already in early August- another dangerous obstacle to cross. During September and October a large portion of the herds spills into the Masai Mara Game Reserve.

  • Late Dry to Early Wet (October- December)
In the late dry season the bulk of the migratory herd starts its trek south through the Lobo area and a long the eastern boundary. Some move straight through Seronera and some move through the Western Corridor. Most of the herd will have reach the Short Grass Plains by the middle of January where they have their young. They follow local rainstorm on the plains to benefit from newly sprout grasses. When the surface water dries up they repeat the cycle again, as they have done for over a million years.


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