Tanapa in determined drive to promote volcanic mountains

Tourism authorities in the country on Monday announced aggressive plans to start promoting unexploited destinations in volcanic mountains in the northern part of the country.
The move, which is to be spearheaded by Tanzania's wildlife watchdog Tanzania National Parks (Tanapa) in collaboration with local government authorities, is also meant to diversify tourism products as many tourists used to visit national parks and Mount Kilimanjaro.
"But, we have a number of tourist attractions in this northern part of the country, but there are some which have been promoted, that's why we're coming up with an aggressive program to let tourists know," said Felix Mabula, the Hanang District Executive Director.
The official said Mt. Kilimanjaro is the tallest in Tanzania and Africa, but even here in Manyara, there is Mt. Hanang which ranks number three in Tanzania, though receives few tourists and climbers per year.
"This is an area which we want to heavily work on and promoted it due to its uniqueness and can act as a 'pull factor’ when it comes to tourism," Mabula explained.
Mt. Hanang has an elevation of 3,417 m above the sea level. It is third after Mt Meru (4,565m).
Local authorities in the northern part of Tanzania are working on setting strategies on how best such kinds of tourist destinations are managed and promoted in and outside the country.
The move will make the mountain as the main source of revenue of local government and the central government as it is to other tourist destinations in the country, Mabula said, adding that the promotion will involve different stakeholders including Tanapa.
The dormant volcanic mountain is an ideal place for mountain climbers and tourists as its peak provide a good view of local scenery.
Hanang has some natural, cultural and man-made attractions, which include Mt Hanang, hot water springs Balang'da-Lalu and Balang'da-Gidaghang'd (Gendabi) salt lakes, Lake Bassotu, huge rocks some with prehistoric drawings.
Due to a variety of attractions, the district is practicing three types of tourism that includes natural tourism, cultural tourism and hunting tourism.
The mountain, a dormant volcano, receives oceanic rainfall with continental temperature and has three peaks which are surrounded by dense forests full of variety of flora and fauna.
Right now, the mountain attracts an average of 100 tourists and trekkers annually.
"So, we need to put in place all required facilities to the mountain as it is an area which hasn't been exploited," said George Bajuta, the vice chairman of the council.
Hanang is one of the volcanic mountains located in the Great Rift Valley that involves Oldonyo Lengai (3,188m).
Manyara Regional Commissioner Elaston Mbwilo said Mt Hanang is one of the tourist destinations that need to be promoted for the high economic growth. Others include Mt. Kwahara, that provides a beautiful scenery of Babati Township, Lake Babati and Tarangire National Park.
The RC said among the strategies to be taken is to increase accommodation establishments and other services. 


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