TANZANIA AT 50 JK: Here is why we have survived

President Jakaya Kikwete and Zanzibar President Dr Ali Mohamed Shein hold portraits of Founding Fathers Mwalimu Julius Nyerere and Abeid Amaan Karume shortly before the former addressed the nation on the status of the Union at PTA Hall in Dar es Salaam yesterday.(Photo: Tryphone Mweji)
As Tanzania turns fifty today, President Jakaya Kikwete yesterday outlined six reasons why the union between Tanganyika and Zanzibar has endured for five decades since it was formed.
He said the founding fathers had a real feeling about the union, which gave it the right spirit for it to be durable.
They decided to join the two countries as part of the spirit of Pan-Africanism, where at some point, the then Zanzibar President Abeid Karume hosted a regional meeting for a united East Africa.
He said the two leaders were aware of their respective national interests but decided to come together soon after attaining freedom, after intense deliberations. “The decision did not just come all of a sudden as some people think,” he said, noting that had they put self interest first, no union would have come about.
Another reason that led to a lasting union was that Zanzibaris and those from the Mainland belong to one people though separated by colonial boundaries. He said many people from the Mainland live in Zanzibar as well as Zanzibaris living on the Mainland.
“Over 600,000 Zanzibaris live in the Mainland and some 120,000 Tanzanians from the Mainland live in Zanzibar. At least 1.4m people travel in and from the two parts of the union through the sea annually while over 400,000 passengers travel by air,” he said.
He warned that it would be sad if the union breaks up now as it is the common wananchi who will suffer. They will be bothered at border points, forcing them to do clearance at a time when leaders will get warm reception at VIP offices, the president intimated.
He said the union has lived this long due to good relation between political leaders from both sides of the union. He said the founding fathers enjoyed good mutual relations, something that their successors have lived to emulate.
“It is surprising that a certain crop of leaders is coming up with different opinions that can kill the union. Those are people with hidden agenda and do not want anything good for the country.  They should be avoided,” he said amid applause from the audience.
He said the government was committed to solve union problems, telling the gathering that in 2006 there were 13 unresolved union problems but seven of them had since been solved.
The head of state stated that three of the issues would be solved in the process to making a new constitution as they are constitutional matters.
“My decision to make the new constitution was partially due to the fact that we needed to correct some constitutional matters in the union,” the president explained to elders and youths at the PTA Hall of Saba Saba grounds in the city.
At arrival at the venue a few minutes to four o’clock, the head of state was received by over 3000 youths from Dar es Salaam and other regions. The youths wore black T-shirts written ‘2 zatosha,’ translating as ‘two are enough,’ clear support for two tier government structure.
Dr Kikwete who was accompanied by Zanzibar President Ali Mohamed Shein, Prime Minister Mizengo Pinda, Zanzibar Second Vice President Seif Ali Idi, the Minister for Information, Culture, Youth and Sports, Dr Fenella Mukangara and First Lady Salama Kikwete entered the hall at 4: 30 pm.
The president received the national flag from the youths to mark the end of national rally organized by the CCM youth wing. Thereafter the Youth wing secretary general Sixtus Mapunda read their dedication of loyalty to the president.
In their vows, the youths told the head of state that throughout their nationwide rally youth showed faith in the government and efforts to write a new constitution.
He said they outlined various challenges including unemployment, among others which call for a lot of money to resolve. “Your Excellency the President, youths have
suggested that the money to run the government should be used to solve their problems as two governments are enough,” he said amid applause.
  Dar es Salaam Regional Commissioner Said Meck Sadiki,in his remarks said during the president’s tenure Dar es Salaam and other urban centres had realized a welter of development successes.

…..Stage set for historic event today

Dar es Salaam Regional Commissioner (RC) Said Meck Sadiki met the press yesterday, stating that the stage is set for the historic event, calling upon the public to turn up in big numbers. 
 He said that the government was well prepared to ensure safety in and out of the celebration grounds, adding that people should not fear insecurity because the the safety detail had been deployed at maximum assurance.
The RC had further confirmed participation of seven heads of state including all East Africa countries, and that commutations with other countries were on progress.
“All entrances to the Uhuru Stadium will be open from six-thirty (6:30) in the morning … and in case Uhuru will be full, the National Stadium entrances will be open … all its screens fixed … so that people can witness the occasion at close range,” the RC said/
The commemorations will be accompanied with parade, traditional dances from different regions, bicycle and motorcycle processions, as well as military parades.
Along with the preparations for the climax of the 50th union anniversary, the Minister for Transport, Dr Harrison Mwakyembe yesterday represented President Kikwete at the Mwalimu Nyerere International Airport where he received a number of international leaders including seven heads of state.
The first to arrive was former Namibian president Sam Nujuma, who arrived at 2:40 pm, followed by Lesotho King Majest Letsle (iii) who arrived at 2:50.
Others were former Kenyan president Mwai Kibaki, Ethiopian Foreign Minister Dr. Tedros Adhanom, as well as envoys from Ghana and Elitrea.
All were also treated to traditional dances.


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