Tanzania welcomes first new seasonal charter flights direct from Tel Aviv

Passover Seder and the Serengeti, too!

ARUSHA, Tanzania - The first of what will be seasonal El Al Israel Airline Charters brought 170 tourists from Israel to Tanzania to spend the Passover holidays on a wildlife Safari. The nine-day program included visits to the world famous UNESCO World Heritage sites, Serengeti National Park, home of the great animal migration, and the Ngorongoro Crater, largest intact un-flooded caldera in the world, as well as Arusha and Lake Manyara National Parks.
The entire group observed a traditional Passover Seder with dramatic difference, they celebrated the holiday in the African bush.
Hon. Lazaro Nyalandu, Minister of Natural Resources and Tourism, stated that “This ground breaking initiative to attract more Israeli tourists to Tanzania, was a joint effort organized by the Menelik Safari Company of Israel, with the cooperation and support of Tanzania Tourist Board (TTB), Tanzania National Parks (TANAPA) and Ngorongoro Conservation Area Authority (NCAA). Hon. Nyalandu added, “We are confident that this cooperative effort combined with the direct flights from Tel Aviv to Kilimanjaro International Airport will result in a tremendous increase in Israeli arrivals.”
Ms. Ronit Hershkovitz, Managing Director of the Israel-based Menelik Safari Company, said “Israelis are nature loving tourists and through a major promotional campaign undertaken by Menelik Safari Company on TV and in print, Tanzania’s world class national parks and tourist attractions are now becoming famous in Israel. The Israelis also know that they will receive a warm welcome here because of the wonderful hospitality of the Tanzanian people.”
Mr. Allan Kijazi, Director General, TANAPA, said “We are proud to support Menelik’s initiative as we know that the Israeli market represents a great source market for park visitors because of their great appreciation and interest in wildlife and wildlife conservation.”
While in the country, the Israeli tourists also visited the Ngorongoro Conservation Area. Dr. Freddy Manongi, Chief Conservator of NCAA noted "that Ngorongoro is an integral part of the Serengeti eco-system and we are pleased to be able to join TANAPA to attract more visitors with Menelik's Israeli Charter initiative."
The Israeli Group also visited the island of Zanzibar. Ms. Hershkovitz said that this is the second trip organized by her company the first one being held in November, 2013 to the northern circuit tourist attractions which included a Kilimanjaro climb.
The plan is that these seasonal monthly charters operated by El Al Israel Airlines could eventually evolve into more regularly scheduled flights between Tanzania and Israel.
The Northern Tanzania tourist circuit is made up of Mount Kilimanjaro, the world’s highest free standing mountain, Ngorongoro Crater, the Serengeti National Park, Tarangire National Park, Arusha National Park, and Lake Manyara National Park, famous for its rare tree-climbing lions.
For more information on Tanzania, visit www.tanzania.go.tz. For more information on Tanzania Parks, visit www.tanzaniaparks.com and for Ngorongoro Crater, visitwww.ngorongorocrater.go.tz. For more information about Menelik Safari Company and Tanzania Safaris from Israel, visit www.safaricompany.co.il
Tanzania, the largest country in East Africa, is focused on wildlife conservation and sustainable tourism, with approximately 28% of the land protected by the Government, the largest percentage of any country in the world. It boasts 16 National Parks and 31 game reserves, 50 Game Controlled Areas, one special Conservation Area (the Ngorongoro) and three Marine Parks. It is home to the tallest mountain in Africa, the legendary Mt. Kilimanjaro; The Serengeti, home to the "Great Animal Migration" that was named the New 7th Wonder of the World by USA Today and ABC TV's Good Morning America; the world acclaimed Ngorongoro Crater, often referred to as the "Eden of Africa" and the “8th Wonder of the World”; Olduvai Gorge, the cradle of mankind: the Selous, the world’s largest game reserve; Ruaha, now the second largest National Park in Africa; the spice islands of Zanzibar; and seven UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Most important for visitors, the Tanzanian people, with a rich history and diverse blend of cultures, are warm and friendly. Tanzania, an oasis of peace and stability with a democratically elected and stable government, is celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Union.
Source: Tanzania Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism


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