Robanda Cultural Tourism

Welcome to “Robanda”, a home of Ikoma tribe
Robanda Cultural Tourism was established with the vision of improving the livelihood of Robanda village community and enhancing Western Serengeti environmental conservation through tourism. Robanda CTP welcomes you to enjoy the cultural and natural heritage of the place.
Robanda Cultural Tourism offers you:
- A guided village walk
- A village biking tour
- A trekking to Ragana hill rich in Ikoma people pre-colonial history
- A trekking tour to Gesigeta hill used by soldiers in pre-historic times as a view point
- A visit to Oldest Ikoma tribe traditional fort
- A visit to the caves used as hides during the First World War,
- A visit to Ikoma fort used in colonial times by Germans,
- An opportunity to learn Waikoma relics, stories, old tools and weapons
- Listen to hair raising stories about their culture
Get an entertainment of Waikoma most popular traditional dance, you will learn how to dance and be part of the dancing team.
Village Biking Tour (2-3 hrs)
A biking tour around Robanda village to Ikoma Fort where one will explore traditional homestead and get great interaction with local people of Western side of Serengeti. Explore the scenery of Serengeti plains with its great wildebeest migration at the peak of Ragana hill which has great history together with its cousin Ikoma German Fort.
Visit to Ikoma Fort (2-3 hrs)
A two hours walking in the village will lead you to old German fort and a great hiding caves used by German soldiers during colonial times. Take a short walk in the cave which is about 400 metres long. Explore various features and rooms which were used for different purposes while identifying the Germans interest over the areas.
Ngoreme Hot spring Tour (4 hrs)
On your bike, explore Ngoreme hot spring which is surrounded by hundreds of tales from the local people. Get to know what local people believe about the hot spring and discover some holy places where Waikoma people take their sacrifices.
Ikoma Tribe Traditional Fort Tour (2-3 hrs visit)
A visit to traditional forts used by Ikoma people as the hiding place from Maasai warriors during intertribal wars. The forts were made artistically with stones only. The forts are found in Masasi, Muragho and Gegambasage villages.
A trek of Ragana Hill (4 hrs)
The witch doctors (witch crafts) habit was ended in early 1892 during Germans colonial rule in Robanda village. Get to know the reasons and methods used to punish the witch doctors at Ragana. Since this time, the hill has been named as a ‘witch doctors’ punishment hill’.
Traditional Dances: (0.5-2 Hours)
Both of the options are possible. We welcome all visitors to our cultural centre where they’ll meet our dancers and enjoy the dance. On the other hand visitors looking the real African set up of traditional dance may chance the dance in the village at various occasions. The coordinator of the programme knows the calendar of various local performances. The most common authentic dances that are often chanced and experienced by visitors are Singori and Risiwa dances. The most common season for the Ngosiga dance to happen is between August-October during annual harvests.
Hiking to the peak of Gesigeta Hill (1900 m.a.s.l)
One can jump on a mountain bike and ride 7km from Robanda centre towards this hill with hundreds of tales. The hill was used by the British soldiers as radar (view point) during the First World War. At the top, one will enjoy a breath taking panoramic view of the vast Serengeti plains and the Grumeti River.
Getting there: Robanda Cultural Tourism Programme is located 3 km from Ikoma gate on the Western side of Serengeti National Park, 10 minutes drive from Ikoma Gate. The centre located few metres before the village centre as one drives away from the park gate. The village is very close to the key areas used by migratory wildebeests of the Serengeti National Park as they venture on the Western sides/western corridor.
Your booking can be facilitated by a tour operator or lodge operators. Tanzania Tourist Board-Tourist Information Centres of Arusha, Mwanza and Da-es-salaam can assist you as well.
Location: Robanda Cultural Tourism is Located near Robanda village centre, at Kehengu P.M.’s House.
Mobile: + 255 (0) 784678121


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