Tanzania: Friends of Arusha Award Wildlife Photographer

A non-government organization, Friends of Arusha Society, has awarded a world renowned Conservationist and Wildlife Photographer Dick Persson for his efforts to educate the public about the world of nature using photographs.
"You have shown how beautiful and varied our wildlife is, you have added the environment in its natural state as a backdrop, then you crowned it all with an in-depth scientific information for everyone in simple language," said Rashid R. K. Guta, Chairman of the Friends of Arusha Society.
In his letter to announce the Award to Mr. Persson, he commended the photographer's style of depicting wildlife in pictures saying it is "very attractive and educative to the young minds of today who in turn are the adults of tomorrow. What a better way to pass on knowledge to the future leaders of the global village."
Persson, a world class photographer, zoologist, researcher and hospital engineer is currently staging the world largest exhibition of wildlife photographs at the Natural History Museum located at the end of Boma Road in Arusha. His wildlife photographs are also exhibited in various other museums around the world.
Visitors to exhibition in Arusha have made a number of comments in praise of the educative efforts by Mr. Persson. "What a wonderful educational resource for Tanzania! I Hope it will be publicized to schools so that they will know what is here," commended Julie Thomson on April 30, 2014.
The school of Hotel, Tourism and Business Studies early this year also presented Mr. Persson with an award titled "Environment Hero to Our Natural Resources."


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