TTB markets tourist attractions in Nigeria

Tanzania’s initiative to promote her tourist attractions in Nigeria has achieved positive responses after travel agents and tour operators in the West African nation showed a great interest to invest in the East African.
This was revealed at the weekend by Tanzania Tourist Board (TTB’s) senior public information officer Geofrey Tengeneza.
Tengeneza was in Nigeria recently accompanied by other delegates to attend a business and investment forum as well as celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Union between Tanganyika and Zanzibar there.
More than 100 businessmen and investors from different economic sectors in Nigeria attended the workshop.
While in Nigeria, the Tanzanian delegation made a country presentation to show the tourist’s attractions and investment opportunities that the country has, made face to face discussions with the travel agents and tour operators who looked very impressed to see the amazing attractions the east African nation has.
“Sarajohn Travels Limited and Silhouette travels and Tours based in Abuja, Nigeria are some of the travel companies that have shown interest to invest in Tanzania,” he said.
Silhouette travels and Tours is expected to open a branch in Tanzania to promote the tourism potentials in Nigeria and other foreign countries,” he said.
According to him, good incentives offered by the Tanzanian government to investors willing to invest in Tanzania as well as a lot of wonderful tourist attractions existing in Tanzania are some of the crucial items that have attracted Nigerian investors,” he noted.
Besides, while in Nigeria they promoted the seven natural wonders existing in Tanzania including the Serengeti National Park, Mount Kilimanjaro, Ngorongoro Crater, and other four potential attractions of Gombe Stream National Park, Kitulo National Park, Selous Game Reserve and Ruaha National Park.
According to him, Tanzanian delegates were from the Export Processing Zone (EPZA), Tanzania Trade Development Authority (Tamtrade) and the Tanzania Tourists Board (TTB).
During the country presentation majority of the travel agents and tour operators were very impressed to see the annual wildebeests’ migration that is one of nature's most awe-inspiring wonders at Serengeti National Park, which is the seventh new Wonder of the World.
Apart from that Nigerian people were also impressed to see Tanzania tourist’s attractions and have vowed to visit the country so as to experience its exceptional blend of scenery of wildlife, culture and what the country has to offer.
According to him, Serengeti National Park was named as the best natural tourist destination in Africa by its best natural tourist attractions compared to other countries on the continent.
The investment forum was organised by the Tanzania High Commissioner in Nigeria.
“We told them that Nigerians are willing to invest in Tanzania, the government through the Tanzania Investment Centre (TIC) will provide assistance to establish their investment projects across the country and will ensure they meet what they planned to carry out,” she said.
According to TIC, foreign investors willing to invest in Tanzania are guaranteed against nationalisation and expropriation of their property.
Tanzania is signatory of several multilateral and bilateral agreements on protection and promotion of foreign investment.
Among them, Tanzania is a member of Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA) and International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID).
Tanzania has a stable fiscal regime with sustainable level of inflation.


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