Tanzania: Minister Urges Strengthening of Peace for Tourism Growth

INTERNATIONAL researchers, the academia and policy makers have been urged to come up with best practices and suggestions on strengthening peace and security for sustainable tourism development in the country.
The Minister of Natural Resources and Tourism, Mr Lazaro Nyalandu, said this in Dar es Salaam when launching a two-day conference on Sustainable Development in Developing Countries (ICST - DC).
"Safety and security issues in the country should be vital and every citizen should stand as a watchman of another person," said Mr Nyalandu.
He referred to what happened in Kenya recently, to act as an alarm to other countries to ensure that the safety and security of their countries are being strengthened.
He also urged them to come up with constructive strategies which will create opportunities to develop the tourism industry through knowledge and expertise.
"We need the academicians to conduct research that would create different business opportunities in pioneering different programmes in the tourism sector in the country and come up with recommendations on how to alleviate poaching of wild animals," he pointed out.
On the other hand, Dr Ladislaus Komba the High Commissioner of Tanzania in Uganda said that in Tanzania, tourism accounts for 17.2% of the GDP and generates nearly 28 per cent of export earnings.

"Tourism is among the top three sources of exports earning for nearly half of the developing countries, proving to be one of the most effective ways to lift people over poverty datum line and empower local communities," explained Dr Komba.
He said that the sector has contributed much more in the country compared to what is being earned in the agricultural sector.
Dr Komba highlighted poaching to be one of the big challenges in the wildlife dependent tourist destinations in the country and the problem seems difficult to manage due to various factors, some of which are yet to be known.
"In this two-day conference we are going to explore all the critical challenges and come up with a way forward on how the problem is going to be solved in order to sustain tourism development in the country," he said.
The Head of Marketing Department at the University of Dar es Salaam (UDBS), Dr Issack Shimba said that for any country to have a good economy, it has to maintain peace, security and safety of the country thus Tanzania has no difference.
"Investors will only come to do business in a country that they are assured of their safety and their properties, therefore, resources should be a precipitator to strengthen security issues," he implored.


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