Tap public figures to boost tourism

Pundits say, the recent visit to the country’s globally famous Ngorongoro Conservation Area Authority (NCAA), by Chinese Vice President Li Yuanchao who is on a six-day official visit to the county will significantly boost tourism and also attract other investments that will augment the nation’s development efforts.

With China fast becoming an emerging market for Tanzania’s tourism industry as more tourists from that country flock to the country’s attractions, it is expected that the coming of their vice president will encourage even more of them to consider Tanzania as one of their destinations.

The visit will also directly bring about huge publicity for Ngorongoro crater as well as the surrounding tourist attractions like the famous Serengeti plains as well as the entire country. As such it will give the country, both mainland and the isles the opportunity to market itself to a global audience.

In that context, it is advisable that Tanapa invites and offers incentives for the visit of high ranking government officials and business tycoons from other countries as well.

This should be the preferred approach instead of waiting for the officials to come for political and or economic visits to invite them to sample the country’s wildlife attractions.
Tanapa should liaise with high ranking government officials and major business figures to woo them to take their holidays in the Tanzania.
Many of them would for sure ask why they should bother to come to Tanzania, seeking the unique and compelling reasons, which we are sure Tanapa and the hospitality fraternity is capable to convincingly offer.

What’s more Tanapa in collaboration with the hospitality and catering industry can offer discounted or free hotel and lodge stays, travel and visits to the parks and reserves.

By attracting the high ranking officials, Tanapa will create a similar buzz as the one the Chinese vice president has caused and the ripple effects, as the pundits have said, will significantly boost the country’s tourism.

Likewise, Tanapa and the Ministry responsible should not stop at government officials (even though that in itself - world government officials spending holidays in the country - will significantly increase revenue from tourism). They should seek any and all influential and public figures from all sectors to visit the country on discounted rates.

Like the government leaders, top ranking businessmen, famous musicians, athletes, actors, comedians and so on, all have one thing in common:
They are all influential and the general public in their countries of origin adore and follow them, such that, theoretically at least, they too will seek to tour a country where their idols have visited and praised.
Finally and in the same line of thought, Tanapa should do so with our country’s own government leaders and public figures.

By encouraging, through discounts, top government officials and public figures in Tanzania to visit the country’s tourist’s attractions then the general public will follow suit, significantly boosting internal tourism that is so far terribly lagging behind.

When the numbers of visitors are computed and earnings collated, we will realise that our country is indeed a wealthy nation.


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