Tanzania in UNESCO project for Usambura

DAR ES SALAAM, Tanzania - The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) last week launched the multi-million dollar project in the East Usambara Reserve areas aiming at empowering residents of area to make good use of the resources for their economic well being.
East Usambara is part of the Eastern Arc Mountain Range which is considered one of the twenty five biodiversity hot spots in the world. The East Usambara rain forests are one of the most valuable conservation areas in Africa and one of the biodiversity hot spots and centers of plant diversity of the world. Their biological significance has been compared to the Galapagos Islands. 
The $422,072 (Tsh700million) project  was made possible after the  - Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) offered the fund for the project to be implemented in nineteen villages surrounding the reserve as part of the implementation of the project dubbed  “Green Economy in Biosphere Reserves” (GEBR). 
The project will enable villagers to protect the reserve and use their resources wisely by reducing deforestation and creating economic and entrepreneurship related activities.
A member of the National Committee on Tanzania Live Reserve, Mr. Joseph Kigula explained that some of the activities that will be carried in the project include training in empowering villagers to run economic activities in the reserve.
The economic empowerment has already taken place in three out of the 19 villages and was coordinated collaboratively between the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism and The East Usambara Biosphere Reserve (EUBR) biodiversity hot spot area offers living environment for more than 100,000 villages where the villagers were taught among other economic activities business management, marketing, accounting, finance, entrepreneurship and education in environmental conservation.
The training is expected to expand understanding of the villagers about business relationships with environmental conservation and capacity building of entrepreneurship. Two other expected to take place at the end of the year.
Some entrepreneurs said the launch of the project will enable majority of the people living in the area to concentrate on the economic activities they have been trained on and do away


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