Tanzania: New Markets to Bolster Tourism Growth

Ras Mbisi Lodge relies completely on social media for its marketing and thanks to an active and innovative Twitter profile has been featured globally in numerous travel and lifestyle magazines.
TOURISM, as one of the fastest-growing and most dynamic sectors, has tremendous potential to boost inclusive economic growth across the continent and reduce poverty, which are two of the African Development Bank's (AfDB) overarching objectives.
The World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO) projects Africa's international tourist arrivals will rise to 134 million in 2030 - that is an increase of 106 per cent from the 2013 level of 65 million arrivals.
One reason for this rise is an influx of new visitors from emerging economies in Asia, Central and Eastern Europe, all seeking to experience the cultural heritage, extraordinary wildlife, and dramatic landscapes unique to the region.
In 2013 African economies grew at approximately 4 per cent on average, compared to 3 per cent for the world economy, with broad variations across different regions and income groupings.
Growth in sub-Saharan Africa was 5 per cent in 2013 and is projected to rise to around 5.8 per cent in 2014. Excluding South Africa, the GDP growth figures for SSA are estimated at 6.1 per cent for 2013 and 6.8 per cent for 2014. West and East Africa recorded the fastest expansion at over 6 per cent.
Low-income countries also recorded growth of above 6 per cent, while the upper-middle-income countries in North and Southern Africa grew more moderately at 3 per cent.
According to the United Nations World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO), 2013 was another record year for the number of tourists travelling internationally.

International tourist arrivals exceeded UNWTO expectations and sustained a worldwide growth of 5 per cent, reaching 1,087 million, compared to 1,035 million in 2012. Africa kept pace with aggregated global trends and saw 5 per cent more tourist arrivals in 2013 compared to 2012. The number of international visitors to Africa in 2013 was 65.1 million.
The most popular African destinations for international travelers in 2013 were the North African countries of Morocco, Egypt, and Tunisia while South Africa and Zimbabwe were the leading destinations in Sub-Saharan Africa. There are many contributing factors as to why tourism is booming in Africa.
Technology is surely one of them. For most travelers, the use of mobile has opened a world of opportunities to explore and understand the places they are visiting.
In a report that was published on the BBC website, a small South African start-up called VoiceMap is trying to bring a local feel to walking tours with the use of smartphones and GPS technology.
Founder Iain Manley travelled around the world for many years before returning to South Africa and getting involved in GPS-triggered commentary on cruises and open-top bus tours.
He soon found that there was something lacking in the big box product. "When we were doing the commentary for Cape Town's open-top bus tour the single voice idea didn't work at all because Cape Town has so many different communities and the history of the city is so contested. The same is true of cities all over," he says.
This gave him the idea of creating a platform to enable people to record their own personalised GPS-based commentaries. Anyone can go to the VoiceMap website and use the publishing tools to create some sort of walk and put their voice over it.
The company also has an iPhone app and is working towards launching an Android version soon. For the case of Tanzania, Jovago, an online hotel booking platform recently announced its new partnership with Tigo Tanzania where Tigopesa customers will now be able to pay for their accommodation booked on the platform with their Tigopesa account.
This partnership comes at a time when integration of mpayments on online booking websites is seen as a crucial aspect in bolstering in the etourism industry.
"Africa is definitely moving on to the digital world, as part of this move we want to take in consideration the local market demands and habits, thus structure our strategies in response to the needs," said the Jovago Managing Director, Ms Estelle Verdier.
This is the second integration of a mobile payment service provider on the booking platform and the partnership allows guests more online convenience and speed in the booking process.
Ms Verdier said the partnership gives the customer yet another option for efficiency on top of the available card payments and pay-on-arrival model.
Commenting on the integration of Tigo Pesa with Jovago, Tigo Head of Mobile Financial Services Ruan Swanepoel said: "We are delighted to join hands with Jovago to give the customers of our two companies the convenience of paying for their hotel accommodation from the convenience of their mobile phones.
This partnership is in line with our strategy to promote digital lifestyle among our customers." Ms Verdier also explained that, in addition to the convenient payment methods Jovago currently offers the largest inventory of hotels in Africa and negotiates hotel rates on behalf of the customer to ensure customers find their ideal accommodation at the Best Price.
It's important to note that during the last Quarter of 2014, Tanzania registered a 2.6 per cent growth in mobile penetration, a notable rise from the previously recorded growth of 2.0 per cent.
Tanzania now has a total of around 28 million mobile phone subscribers, representing a mobile penetration of 63 percent. According to a World Tourism Report, East Africa is the most successful and prominent location for mobile payments, with Kenya taking the lead at 80 per cent- of its adult population adopting mobile payment. She underlined that currently over 30 per cent of visits to jovago.com are channeled via a mobile device.
In such context mobile payment integration is a key driver in the growth of this industry. This is not the first time both companies have been involved in a common project.
Jovago.com and Tigo Pesa are both supporters of UNICEF's Passport to Life an initiative that seeks to have every African child obtain official birth registration.
When booking on Jovago customers are given the opportunity to support birth registration (5$ per booking donated to UNICEF) at no extra cost.
Ras Mbisi Lodge relies completely on social media for its marketing and thanks to an active and innovative Twitter profile has been featured globally in numerous travel and lifestyle magazines. Dire conditions for Malawi's flood survivors who lost everything


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