Tanzania Tourists Board (TTB) to roar at Stephano Moshi Memorial University College (SMMUCo) FEB. 20, 2015 AT SMMUCo'S main campus at Masoka!

Great opportunities for graduating students.
It would be laid to bear during the Public Lecture on:
Tanzania Tourist Board (TTB) Initiative to DEVELOP Cultural Tourism Enterprises in Tanzania to be delivered by the Coordinator of TTB's Cultural Tourism Program Elirehema Maturo at::
“Stephano Moshi Memorial University College (SMMUCo) Feb. 20, 2015
Tanzania Tourist Board through its Cultural Tourism Programme has
recently registered 8 new Cultural Tourism Enterprises after proving high compliance to the National Cultural Tourism Guidelines of the Ministry of
Natural Resources and Tourism. Tour operators and visitors are welcome
to package and/or sample these new tourism products.
Haydom Four Corners Cultural Tourism (Mbulu – Manyara region
Tanga cultural Tourism Initiative (Tanga region)
Minjingu Cultural Tourism Enterprise (Manyara region)
Simangori Cultural Tourism Enterprise (Minjingu-Monduli -Arusha)
Olpopongi Cultural Tourism Enterprise (Longido-Arusha
Materuni Cultural Tourism (Kilimanjaro region)
Tembea-Mara Cultural Tourism (Bunda-Mara region
Masama Cultural Tourism (Kilimanjaro Region)
More efforts are underway to get other initiatives on board. In the pipeline there are initiatives from Mwanza, Iringa, Mbeya, Coast region and Kagera
Expected to join our family soon. All registered enterprises will be in the up
coming Tanzania Cultural Tourism Guidebook 2015 version.
This Public Lecture is brought to you by Universities Providers Worldwide (UPW) and in collaboration with Tanzania Tourists Board (TTB) in Conjunction with Stepano Moshi Memorial University College (SMMUCo).


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