Tanzania: Tourism Fair Delights Foreigners

Moshi — The just-ended Kilimanjaro Industrial and Tourism Fair, famously known as KILIFAIR 2016 has been described by the business community as an eye-opener to business opportunities within and outside the country.
Exhibitors and sponsors expressed their joy as they joined each other and exchanged knowledge and experience. They also reached different agreements on how to trade together in future, while some called the fair a 'family reunion'.
Ethiopian Airlines' Traffic and Sales Manager, Ms Fitsimt Dejene, said they have been flying to Tanzania for more than 30 years, so when it comes to tourism, they feel as part and parcel.
They hence grasped the opportunity to participate not only as exhibitors but also as main sponsors. Ms Dejene who is based in Arusha, noted that the airline that clocks 70 years since its founding this year, has many destinations.
It is close to local tour operators and other stakeholders, so in celebrating the anniversary they found it proper to be at KILIFAIR 2016. The fair that was opened on Friday by the Minister for Natural Resources and Tourism, Professor Jumanne Maghembe, attracted more than 250 exhibitors from within and outside the country.

It attracted more than 150 tourist company agents, who Professor Maghembe, said are going to boost tourism by bringing in many more tourists from now.Ms Dejene noted that this year's event has grown bigger and more organized as compared to last year's and brought together people, some of whom had never contacted each other while some used to communicate via internet.
Ethiopian Airlines is willing to serve all. "The opportunity is actually given and we have taken it. They call us an African Airline in regard to connectivity in the continent. African skies should be dominated by African carriers so that we have our business share.
Africa is rising. "It is no longer a black continent. The media should promote us as well as Africanism and tourism. The fair is going to boost tourism without doubt. Tanzania was not known to many out there, but they heard of Kilimanjaro. Fairs such as this one bring tourists and when they see the beauty of the country and national parks they are amazed!" she said.
However, she noted that there is still some homework to be done. She advised that the destination should be made affordable. She called on those responsible to stabilise things such as domestic connectivity, lodges, hotels and national park fees so that more tourists and exhibitors could come to Tanzania.
She said if there is anything Ethiopian Airlines could do in terms of domestic connectivity, her airline and country could see what to do. She referred to cancellation or rescheduling of domestic flights.


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