Tanzania: Repair Serengeti Park Roads, Tanapa Urged

Arusha — Tour operators are concerned about the appalling state of a road leading to the Serengeti National Park.
They say the road from the Lodoare gate in the Ngorongoro Conservation Area to the park has potholes, making driving a nightmare.
"From the NCAA gate and all over Serengeti National Park, the roads are extremely bad," complains Tanzania Association of Tour Operators chairman Wilbard Chambulo.
A traveller from the Lodoare gate in Ngorongoro to Serengeti will come across a number of tour vehicles stuck in the middle of poor roads, he said here yesterday. In 10 days of a safari, for instance, tour operators spend 90 per cent of the fuel driving in such bad roads.
"Where does the money tour operators pay as a road licence go to?" "On top of this we pay between Sh20,000 and Sh60,000 plus VAT again for using these roads under the custodian of the Tanzania National Parks and the Ngorongoro Conservation Area Authority per day," he said


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