Wearing shoes, shorts 25 trekkers reach Roof of Africa in 48 hours

A group of 25 Mt Kilimanjaro trekkers who started to climb the mountains early this week with the aim of reaching Uhuru Peak (5,895 metres) in three days, had surprisingly managed to make to the highest summits of the mountain which are Gilman’s point (5,681 mts ASL) and Uhuru Peak within 48 hours while wearing shoes and shorts only.

 In an exclusive interviews with The Guardian on Sunday at Marangu gate mid this week during the down hilling of their expedition from the Roof of Africa, Linda Koeman from Holland recalls.
 It was around 5.30 a.m. on January 28, 2014 after a breath taking one and half hour fast walk from Gilman’s point that she managed to reach Uhuru Peak, only in shoes and shorts.
 “For some seconds I totally forgot that I came along with my friend, then some 15 minutes or so later turning I saw him coming towards me in a second group and it downed on me he has made it. We both made it,” Koeman further recalled.
 She recollected that was the culmination of  ‘two day Mt Kilimanjaro climb’  as they had planned to reach the highest summits in three days instead of usual six days through the famous Marangu  route that to her still seems like a dream.
 “Reaching Uhuru Peak within two days instead of our planned three days while in only shoes and shorts through the Marangu Route as the summit is full of ‘ice’ particularly on top, to me it was a dream come true but the actual climb is a long episode that one need to grow very old to forget,” she noted.
 “I liked challenges since I was too young, I used to train sports so I’m physically fit, though I couldn’t have managed to make it to Uhuru without using the techniques that I obtained from Wim Hof methods of breathing that makes human body to multiply red cells in a human body that increases in his/her immune system hence reducing the risks of hypothermia and Acute Mountain Sickness (AMS), she added.
 “That’s why I come to scale Mt Kilimanjaro though I didn’t climb any high mountain in my life and I appreciate myself that I made it to the Uhuru Peak with the ‘great assistance’  from Joseph Marandu alias ‘Photo’ in a Chief Tour Guide with ZARA Tanzania Adventures in collaboration with his counterparts” Ms Koeman explained.
 For his part, Mr Wim Hof who is also globally famously known as “Ice man’ explained that, the goal of the expedition that was being organized and hosted by the Kilimanjaro-based tourism company - ZARA Tanzania Adventures (ZARA Tours Company), is also to establish a spectacular Guinness World Record: ‘The Fastest Ascent by A Group in Shorts of The Largest Free Standing Volcano in the World. 
 The key to this challenge is to maintain control of the body under extreme conditions as the freezing temperature at the summit can range between 18-26 centigrade and reaching  the summit at nearly six thousand meters in only 3 days (instead of the usual 6) does not give the body time to acclimatize.” he further explained.
 Mr Hof who is also the group leader of the expedition went on explaining that, in the first day they scales Mt Kilimanjaro from Marangu Gate up to 3,800 mts, the following day they scaled the mountain up to 4,700 mts, and the third day they scaled up to the top of Mt. Kilimanjaro, and come ascending back to Spring Lands hotel that hosts their expedition.
 He added that the crew will have to maintain control over mind and body while dealing with the major risks of hypothermia and Acute Mountain Sickness (AMS).
 Mr Hof who is also the holder of 23 World records including climbing the World’s highest mountain, Mt Everest with empty chest, run Marathon beyond the Poler Cycle and swimming under the Ice (after making holes) among many others insisted that, everybody has the ability to reach for more than that which they thought themselves capable of, and now it’s time to show it scientifically.
 According to Mr Wim Hof, he has scientifically proven that he can influence his immune system - a remarkable and yet inexplicable medical finding.
 “However, these capabilities are not unique to me and in fact; I have achieved similar encouraging results with many patients with auto-immune disease of the joints such as Arthritis and Rheumatism, as well as nerves and muscles such as ALS and Myasthenia Gravis, “he pointed out during the interviews.
 He added that science is mystified by the performances and capabilities of him; and many scientists across the world have investigated him and all of them have documented remarkable findings such as his ability to influence his autonomic nervous system, which regulates the heart rate, blood pressure, blood circulation and much more.
 Commenting on the Wim Hof scientific body control methods that helps to make people to multiply their respective red cells by a specific breathing exercise coupled with proper mind sets, that one of the climbers Mr Henk Vanden Bergh from Netherlands explained that, the project’s goal is to show that anyone can accomplish such an extraordinary world record. 
 “It just takes great motivation and mind-body control as Wim Hof has proven that he can influence his immune system, a remarkable and yet inexplicable medical finding,” he explained.
 He added that given the global interest for this challenge, an international documentary will be made so that everyone will be able to follow closely the crew’s journey on Mount Kilimanjaro. Wim Hof has been working with documentary makers from the BBC, Discovery Channel and National Geographic for quite some time. 
 “The latest documentary on his extraordinary performances in Iceland was a great success. And the entire journey is being filmed for a full-length feature documentary on how to stay ‘In Control on Kilimanjaro,” Mr Vanden Bergh pointed out.
 “That is the motto and perhaps the most crucial aspect of the challenge showing that a group of average non-athletic working people can do what Wim Hof can do. Wim often says: "What I am capable of, anyone can do.” And he has shown it with so many people, he commented. 
 One can achieve far more than one thinks possible. It just takes the right mindset, as the Wim Hof Method shows. This challenge is all about getting that message out to the rest of the world: the extraordinary is within everyone!”
 The Managing Director of ZARA Tanzania Adventures Ms. Zainab Ansell explained: 
 “We are very happy to hold such a unique group in our company, and it is our hope that apart from advertizing different tourism destination of our country including Mt Kilimanjaro that will improve sustainable tourism in World, they will also instruct our people with many health exercises for the better future.”  


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