Tanzania: Tanga Proudly Preserve Historical Buildings

TANGA regional authorities have been asked to protect historical buildings which have existed for over a century to preserve the history of the city and attract more tourists.
The call was made here yesterday by the chairman of a non government indigenous organisation established to protect old historic items including old buildings known as Urithi, Mr Abdala Majura said in an interview with 'Daily News on Saturday' here. He said Tanga city has a good history of old buildings which were built by the Germans over a century ago.
He said it was not fair to see people abolishing the old buildings to replace news ones. He further said government had already designated Amboni and Pongwe areas for construction, therefore those who would like to establish new buildings they should acquire land in those areas and not abolish historic buildings.
He would like government to take stand and strictly prohibit the destruction of old buildings as a measure to preserve the heritage for present and future generations.
Speaking about the efforts being taken by his organisation on the move, Mr Majura said that, apart from sensitising people on the importance of preserving old buildings for historical and tourism purposes, it has renovated some old buildings without tampering with their original structures.
"Most of these buildings were built during the German rule and some Germans come to Tanga to see these structures and houses where their forefathers used to live," said Mr Majura. Currently, Urithi runs a museum in Tanga city at the building that was formerly the central office of German governors which has an underground chambers used by the governors to escape once they sensed danger.


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