HerdTracker - Great wildebeest migration updates

Lots of rain around, Gol, Seronera, Naabi, Hidden Valley, Moru and Ndutu. There are lots of gazelle now around Naabi and south towards Ndutu. Many zebra and large herds of wildebeest have advanced past Seronera onto the short grass that was burnt earlier in the year around Simba Kopjes and is now sprouting green. No wildebeest currently at Ndutu area but with the ongoing rain forecast I would not be surprised if some herds keep advancing south.
Small herds of 50 to 100 wildebeest have started appearing within view of the lodge and along our access and game drive roads the past few days, as the grass turns green again. I know that they have had good rains in Seronera too the past few weeks, with large herds in the thousands being seen to the delight of many of our guests. Seems like the rain is drawing the wildebeest south.
On the drive to Seronera today I drove through many scattered herds of 100+ wildebeest enjoying the fresh grass all over. Frankfurt Zoological Society staff and TAWIRI researchers reported that the area around Barafu is thick with wildebeest, with huge numbers enjoying the fresh grass there too... so they should be in the NCA soon. 


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