Kilimanjaro region developing into a new tourist hot spot

TANZANIA (eTN) - Bearing the pride of Mount Kilimanjaro, the Kilimanjaro region stands among tourist destination hot spots, pulling big crowds of holidaymakers to its rich attractive villages, full of real African life blended with modern lifestyle.
The Kilimanjaro region in northern Tanzania is such an idyllic tourist paradise where tens of thousands of local and foreign holidaymakers flock during Christmas and Easter Holidays to spend their vacations.
The region is one among African localities with a long outstanding history and modern lifestyle to attract high-class tourists and other visitors looking to relax and mingle with local communities in real traditional African villages.
With Mount Kilimanjaro seen from all corners of this region, tourists could view the gigantic picturesque peaks of both Kibo and Mawenzi; the two peaks are separated by a thick, conserved natural forest.
Located on the foothills of Mount Kilimanjaro, villages in the region are places worth visiting by their diversity of social services and tourist facilities capable of accommodating visitors from all corners of the world.

Most attractive is the rich history of the local communities, local African lifestyles blended with modern life, all available in every corner of the region where any tourist could wish to visit.
Modern lodges have sprung up in villages on the slopes of Mount Kilimanjaro and are readily equipped to provide services to mountain climbers and other tourists visiting the coffee and banana farms on the mountain's foothills.
Development of medium-sized and modern tourist hotels and small-sized establishments in villages surrounding Mount Kilimanjaro are new kinds of hotel investments outside the towns, cities, and the wildlife parks.
Living standards, economic activities, and rich African cultures have all attracted tourists from across the world, who come to visit and stay with local communities in villages on the laps of Mount Kilimanjaro, far from the town.
With the growing tourism in Kilimanjaro region, an annual KILIFAIR exhibition has been launched to promote the region’s tourist business. The KILIFAIR event takes place early in June each year to attract tourism players and trade visitors across Tanzania, East Africa, Europe, United States and other tourist source markets.


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