Buffalo Soldiers…. Lamai Serengeti

We have six or seven old Buffalo bulls that never stray far from Lamai. That is six or seven pretty good reasons why we escort you to and from your rooms at night!!
They have fantastic grass, pools of water and plenty of shady spots in which they can escape the heat of the day. Why leave?
They are really massive and full of character. We often meet them on our bush walks and drives and particularly during this time of year we find their tracks (and other huge piles of evidence) all over the pathways of the lodge in the morning. They are drawn in at night time by the tasty broad leaf grasses that spring up between the rocks of the Kopje - they can be pretty intrepid, walking  up beyond the highest rooms and doing untold amounts of damage to our steps!! 
An afternoon drive will often shed some beautiful light on these big fella's, well worth stopping to get a few buffalo profile shots.


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