Tanzania: TTB to Enhance Tourism Industry's Contribution to 30 Percent

THE Tanzania Tourist Board (TTB) has charted favourable strategies calculated at enhancing the tourism industry's contribution in promoting the national income, from the current 17 per cent to 30 per cent in the next five years.
TTB's Acting Managing Director, Ms Devotha Mdachi, availed the promotion plan recently in Dar es Salaam while addressing the International Tourism Exhibition that ended over the weekend.
Ms Mdachi also hinted that apart from promoting the sector's income contribution, plans were underway to establish tourist attraction branch offices in various places in the country, in a move to boost the slow growing domestic tourism.
She said that domestic tourism's growth was still at a snail pace and calls for concerted efforts to be made to enable it have meaningful contribution towards national coffers, instead of depending on foreign tourists alone.
"We have made various efforts to ensure the sector contributes effectively to the national economy and for now we continue with the ambitious strategic goals to see this industry contributes to about 30 per cent in the next five years.
"We continue to establish our information branch offices in different places for encouraging locals to visit our tourist attraction centres, in order to boost its economic output towards the national economic growth," said Mdachi.
Commenting on the just ended International Exhibition, she said it was a big success as over 1,000 participants attended. She said despite the success realised, still there was a lot to be done in terms of initiating incentives for attracting for local companies participation promotion.
Ms Mdachi said the move would obviously enhance the local participants' number next year. "Our performance has been indeed a great success even though it was our first year and we believe the forthcoming exhibition will have a great number of big firms," said Mdachi.


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